So, here are pictures!!!!
Also this week, I got out the sewing machine and made a real live cowboy vest for the boy. He loves playing cowboy, so I decided that he really needed a vest. He'd been wearing a green sweater vest...sad, I know. So, we went to Joann's and bought enough fabric to make him a great cowboy vest. He was really upset (even though he picked out the fabric) that there was cow print on the inside. However, yesterday he wore it inside out all day...he had to be like Woody!
I'm quite proud of myself as this is the first thing I've sewn that didn't have a pattern! I totally winged it and it worked!!! Yipee!
... and isn't winging it so much fun? I love winging it more than following patterns. Then, when it works your are a genius, and when it doesn't you can just blame it on the fact that you didn't use a pattern. :)
inside out, outside in . . perpetual change
isn't it funny how little kids can be so picky about stuff, even after they've spent an hour picking it out. I don't get it! No wonder sometimes it's just easier making choices for your kids and not letting them ever do it. Oi! Cute longies. I thought about knitting longies for Baby M with the left over yarn from my BSJ, but now I'm sort of leaning toward a skirt! I'll be winging it too.... sadly I know that when I wing things, they never turn out, but I'm forgetful enough to keep trying. Maybe someday!
Are you going to Knitters night tonight, where ever it ends up to be?
Awwwww, they're cute! :)
i cant find your email addy!!!
Tola - kimborchert AT gmail DOT com.
So, I'm sitting here knitting a 2x2 ribbing for a hat for my son, and thinking about last night. I remembered you said you didn't like to continental purl, that you purled by throwing. I was thinking ribbing must really not be one of your favorite things to do then! (not that many of us like it) Next time we meet up, remind me to teach you the norweigen purl.(hmm spelling on that?) You might like it, and it would mean leaving the yarn in your left hand for knitting. It's actually how I first learned to purl!
if the shipping is $5 or less, yes!
what's LnV's flickr page called? i cant find it!
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