They look even better on her :)
And a big thanks to Nicole for helping me make them! I'd never followed a pattern before and really didn't know what I was doing. I think she got some good laughs from me yesterday!
Oh, and of course I'll have to knit something to go with these adorable capri's! So, how about this that I will make with this yarn! I'm way excited. I have enough fabric left that I want to make her a skirt too. But, I'll need Lori's help for that one since I don't have a pattern :) So Lori...when you coming up??? ;)
Get out! You learned to sew and made those super adorable pants on the same day??!? Well done!
Really love the pants! I would email you to say thanks for the comment but I can't find your email address and dumb blogger doesn't send it with the comment. OH well, I can say THANKS here!
Let me tell you girlfriend...the dishcloth thing still has me laughing!
Good work! Not this week, but next I can totally come. We'll make a skirt. I have a great little pattern for little girls. Easy Peasy... or you can just trace a skirt that she already has, leave 1/2 seam allowance and 1 1/2 allowance on top. Do the elastic just like you did on the pants... viola! That is how I fake a skirt. :) The hem doesn't even have to be that strait, because little Amelia's are never standing up strait for anyone to critique. :)
Those little pants are super cute!
How cute are those pants?!? And with a little orange halter tap? Adorable!
Patterns? We don't need no stinking patterns? You can do the tracing thing that Lori said to try. Then you'll really feel like you've conquered the world!
Cute pants! If you want. I can help you sew. I've been doing it for 20 years and I love teaching it. And yes, I figured out where the blasted hole in the bench of my wheel already was. Some days it's just hard being me!
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